Association of University Engineers

IAM Newsletter August

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August 2017

I shall not try to attribute the following quotation, although various famous people have been associated with variants on this theme: "Education is that which remains behind when all we have learned at school is forgotten."  The important point is this idea.

I have always had an interest in people and their development, including selection and leadership potential.  The fascination is that there is such a variety of utterly different approaches that work (or don't)!  What is the equivalent for an organisation?

How can we create the 'learning organisation'?  How can it continue to improve no matter that leaders or staff come and go?  The conventional approach is to rely on process.  Many is the company whose shelves groan with procedures and, perhaps, even their dealings with their customers are scripted in a call centre. 

I think culture is more likely to be successful.  The 'way we do things around here' can – with care and understanding – be fostered and passed on to newcomers. But encouraging and maintaining the right culture requires the right leaders, who can ensure 'clarity of purpose' and help everyone do their best to achieve it.

This is extremely relevant to asset management.  The basis for success is to adopt the philosophy/paradigm over a significant period; to depend more on wisdom than knowledge. 

I agree that a management system facilitates the right activities, that procedures can be valuable.  But in the end, would you choose an assistant that had the right attitude and was keen to learn or a good-for-nothing who knew all the answers?

I was in a pub a month ago, discussing people that had had a lasting effect on our lives and careers.  My companions and I compared notes and limited ourselves to 6 people from our childhood to our (ahem!) mature years.  In every case, they were people from whom we took values, behaviours or attitudes or who simply took the time to develop us; few had helped us simply from their factual knowledge.  Try this yourselves – it's interesting!

I suspect the value of a mature professional is their judgment, based on experience.  They may need to refresh or update their detailed knowledge, but their understanding should have been hard-won and remain the basis of good decisions. 

The education in the quotation cannot come without the learning: but it is more important.

I am tempted to address a similar and challenging question: data – or information?  And enter the fray regarding the consequences of the Internet of Things.  But maybe I'll leave that for a later article...


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IAM Awards 2017 Shortlists

This year we received a record number of nominations, representing a vast range of industries around the world. The shortlisted nominees for the five awards categories are now listed on our website. The winners will be announced during the IAM Annual Dinner.

Thank you to all who submitted and to the Awards Judges for their hard work and commitment.

> View the shortlists

Volunteer to support the SSGs project

The Subject Specific Guidelines project is progressing well and all SSGs will soon be either in development or published, thanks to the efforts and expertise of IAM members. We are now seeking volunteers to provide the final support we need for the following SSGs:

- Technical standards & Legislation
- Procurement & Supply Chain Management
- Asset Decommissioning and Disposal
- Resource Strategy & Management
- Fault and Incident Response
- Asset Creation & Acquisition

If you are able to help, please select subjects from the list above when registering to contribute.

> Volunteer for an SSG

Survey – Repurposing Assets

We are collating information on examples and experiences of organisations seeking alternative uses of assets – if this is something relevant to you please help us by answering this very short survey!

> Repurposing Assets Survey


The IAM is active on Twitter – be sure to follow us for the latest Institute and industry updates, news and promotions, and tweet us using @_theIAM!

> The IAM Twitter

Dates for your Diary

The IAM Annual Lecture
21 November 2017
Park Plaza Riverbank, London, UK

The IAM Annual Dinner & Awards
21 November 2017
Park Plaza Riverbank, London, UK

The IAM Asset Management Conference
21-22 November 2017
Park Plaza Riverbank, London, UK

The IAM Annual Conference 2018
25-27 June 2018
Hilton Birmingham Metropole, UK

and finally...

I recall some summers a few years back when there was a slightly more relaxed pace and opportunity for reflection.  I felt able to review our direction and, perhaps, adjust priorities for the coming autumn / fall.  No longer!  My 'to do' lists seem ever longer and there are challenges and opportunities galore!

I cannot be sure if our society is simply more hectic or if it's the perception of age(!) or the IAM becoming busier and busier.  Is it the same for you?  Whatever the reason, I apologise for the late delivery of this Newsletter.  Amongst the distractions and holiday season it simply didn't make the top of the in-tray!

However, I notice that some things remain the same.  School holidays still seem to stretch out – perhaps more of a challenge to the responsible adults than the blissfully unaware children?  My nephew is excited about starting university and does not relate at all to my perceptions above...  His summer is one of relaxation and marking a transition. 

Perhaps it's all attitude? 

Anyway, we certainly have a packed and aspirational agenda and I look forward to working with many of you to raise the IAM to an even greater level of success.


David McKeown, CEO

Published: 11 September 2017

Type: General

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