Association of University Engineers

HEDQF - Higher Education Design Quality Forum

Request for Assistance with Research.

The AUE subscribes to HEDQF.


HEDQF are currently working on a research project to consider how well does current student accommodation provision meet the needs of supporting students with their studies and their wellbeing and the 'student experience', now and in the future.  The premise for the research is that there has been a lack of innovation within the student accommodation sector which is in contrast to the innovation seen with academic university buildings. 


We are looking for examples of new and innovative models of student accommodation, deviations from the standard offer, to investigate as case studies.  Would you be able to provide any examples from your own institutions or examples that you have seen in the UK or abroad to assist the research? 


Please send any examples or case studies to Claire Jackson, Education Director, Galliford Try for consideration by the research working group.

Published: 21 July 2022

Type: General

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