Association of University Engineers

HEDQF - Developing our Research - we want to hear from you.

The AUE Chairman is a member of the Higher Education Design Quality Forum (HEDQF), an organisation which aims to improve the performance of buildings and estates in universities and higher education colleges.

Our Research Group would be delighted to hear your views on the most important areas for research.  We are asking our supporters to take a couple of minutes to let us know your preferences via the short qualtrics survey here, ideally within the next 2 weeks to enable us to consider your feedback at our forthcoming annual planning meeting in December.


The University Design Forum (formerly HEDQF) is a charity committed to supporting the higher education sector to create, maintain and deliver high quality environments through greater understanding and knowledge of how they affect the people that use them. To ensure that we are aligned with the challenges faced by the sector we regularly canvas the opinion of people engaging with these environments.  Your views are vital to support the direction of our research programme.

We really do want to hear from you, and I can guarantee it will only take you a minute or two using the above link or the QR code below, whichever takes your fancy!

Kind Regards




University Design Forum


Published: 3 November 2022

Type: General

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