Association of University Engineers

EAUC - Universities, Colleges and Students Mobilise for Paris Climate Action

The collective voice of the world’s universities, colleges and students must be heard at COP21 when the United Nations Climate Change Conference takes place in Paris, France, during the first week of December.

This evening (Wednesday 14 October), COP21 Secretary General, Pierre-Henri Guignard, will be handed an Open Letter, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris by Iain Patton, EAUC CEO, conveying this call on behalf of a global alliance of networks and associations representing more than 42 networks and representing over 6,000 universities and colleges worldwide.

EAUC Members are being represented on a national and international scale urging governments to acknowledge and strengthen the research and education role that universities and colleges play in finding and implementing solutions towards climate change mitigation and adaptation, placing it in the context of addressing wider issues of sustainability, including social and economic policies and practices.

Read the letter here

Get your University or College leader to endorse the letter here.

Published: 14 October 2015

Type: General

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