Association of University Engineers

EAUC Sustainability Mapping Research - Report Launched

Navigating through the increasingly complex landscape of sustainability reporting tools often seems a daunting task.

The result is that sustainability leaders are often overwhelmed, work is duplicated and fellow staff and students bewildered.

"Is it possible to develop criteria across these tools which use a common methodology, translate them into the same language and produce a single, engaging, simple to understand and to communicate indicator of whole-institution sustainability performance?"

EAUC commissioned two graduate researchers, Katerina Kosta and Hassan Waheed to ask that very question and this report is the result.  
This project aims to help sustainability professionals critically evaluate those tools and facilitate their institutions development of sustainability assessment and reporting. For this research, the EAUC's LiFE Framework was used as it encompasses the core aspects of a learning institution. In the process, the researchers have also made some clear LiFE update recommendations.

Both the researchers and my view is that if we can build one single simple picture of a university or college's sustainability performance, this should profoundly help it communicating and getting credit for its achievements, build wider stakeholder support, help to identify and address performance gaps and build more cross organisation motivation and momentum to do even better.

Published: 8 August 2017

Type: General

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