Association of University Engineers

EAUC - Launching the Carbon Offsetting Briefing

The EAUC and the COP26 Universities Network are pleased to launch the new guidance on offsetting to support the development of further and higher education offsetting policies - The Carbon Offsetting Briefing.

The COP26 Universities Network are a growing group of more than 50 UK-based universities and research institutes working together to help deliver an ambitious outcome at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow in November 2021. Climate experts from six leading UK HE institutions contributed to this guidance to support universities and colleges in their journey to reach net-zero.


  • Reducing emissions must always be the priority before considering offsetting as part of a net-zero strategy
  • Institutions should establish robust principles to justify which emissions can and cannot be offset
  • Offset schemes much be carefully assessed and should align with the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Prioritise carbon removal offsets over emission reduction offsets
  • Consider social and biodiversity related impacts
  • A progressive transition to effectively permanent carbon storage needs to be central
  • Emission reduction offsets, in particular, are perceived as problematic by some
  • The Further and Higher Education sector would benefit from forming a coalition - this is being established by the EAUC
  • Standardised reporting across the sector will help track progress towards net-zero
  • Travel emissions, including student flights, should be included in institutional emission reporting
  • Explore potential educational opportunities

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Published: 27 January 2021

Type: General

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