Association of University Engineers

EAUC - Call for Environmental and Sustainability Risk Think-Tank Volunteers

EAUC and HEBCoN are looking to establish a multidisciplinary task and finish group... develop environmental risk management guidance and good practice examples, utilising the professional practices of environmental management, estates management, risk management and business continuity planning.

We are seeking to recruit Sustainability, Environmental, Estates, Risk and Business Continuity professionals to join a task and finish group with the aim of developing multidisciplinary guidance covering the identification, analysis, evaluation and treatment environmental risk using the principles of risk management and business continuity planning.


How to get involved:
We would like to hear from you if you are an Environment, Sustainability, Risk, Business Continuity or Estates professional and you have started to look at environmental management from a risk and/or business continuity perspective. The intention is to complete the task over 6 months, with participants attending an initial scoping workshop, then engaging in a number of video conference meetings, or physical meetings.

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Published: 5 October 2017

Type: General

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