Association of University Engineers

Barbour - Guide to Statutory Inspections during Covid-19

Barbour have published a guide and Director’s Briefing on statutory inspections during Covid-19. We cover the current guidance, legal implications, factors to consider and advice on the best course of action in these exceptional circumstances.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic many companies are facing restrictions or challenges to their normal operation. This could include closing premises or parts of premises and challenges associated with getting support from contractors who normally carry out statutory inspections, examinations and tests of plant and equipment even when their premises are open.

The Director’s Briefing is available here.

To fully support our subscribers with vital health and safety information during the Covid-19 pandemic we have:

  • published guidance on risk assessments and safety policies
  • published extensive home working and DSE guidance
  • introduced a helpline.

Coming soon will be guidance on the use of face masks in the workplace.

Learn More

Published: 23 April 2020

Type: General

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