Closing date extended to 20/2/19! The AUE are again offering a fund to its members to help facilitate individual members to develop their professional career or to support a junior engineer or apprentice in their team.
Happy to accept any last minute applications.
For those that have already applied, your application is being assessed and will be reviewed on the Thursday the 21st with notifications going out on the 22nd.
If you are nominating someone please make sure the that a AUE member is supporting the application.It is not intended to replace institutions’ obligation to provide training, however, it can be used to support training/travel/accommodation if there is a specific path the individual wishes to develop in their career – or their team’s.
Each batch of applications assessed and approximately 5 receiving funding up to £500. Please complete application and submit to
Call for Ideas
The academy also are looking for new ideas of training/courses to support in the sector.
If you are willing to organise a course and offer additional places to the wider membership, then the AUE will be willing to look at subsidising the training.
You know of topics that would warrant a day’s training that benefits the sector (but isn’t necessarily something your institution has to provide)
You know some really good speakers that we could work with to offer sector specific training.
Please get in contact: or