The next AUE 2023 Virtual CPD & KNOWLEDGE Series event, taking place on Wednesday 25th October, will focus on Avoiding the heat decarbonisation performance gap.
From 11:30, you will be able to access the event platform, giving you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the platform and network with AUE colleagues ahead of the session, 12:00-13:00. You'll be able to visit the expo and network further using the networking carousel, after the session.
Decarbonising the way university estates are heated (and cooled) is a significant part of the net zero challenge. But tackling the issue is not easy. Fundamentally this means complete transition away from fossil fuels.
This presentation will focus on explaining how (with case study examples) universities can avoid additional unnecessary and unforeseen risks and costs when transitioning to low carbon heat.
The Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme is already providing the opportunity to replace end of life fossil fuel boilers with technologies such as heat pumps. Similarly, new development projects must meet Net Zero Carbon standards, including the way they are heated and cooled.
However the design and installation of these solutions is complex, with huge potential for uncertainty around how they will actually perform once deployed from a resilience, carbon saving and operational cost point of view.
"Performance Gaps" (the difference between how the installations are expected to perform on paper and how they actually perform in real life) are apparent in 95% of installations, according to analysis of over 400 installations conducted by Hysopt over the past 8 years, leading to systems which:
• Are sized significantly larger than they need to be, requiring a higher than necessary upfront capital budget;
• Under-deliver against their predicted carbon saving expectations;
• Or worse still, come at the expense of unanticipated consequences, such as significant increases in operational energy costs;
The presentation will explore how these issues have been avoided in projects where heat pumps have been deployed to replace end of life gas boilers in campus heat networks.
Chris Davis, Head of Sales & Marketing (UK), Hysopt
When do the series start? We will be running a series of training sessions the first of which was held in March 2023
Who will deliver the training? Each training session will be delivered by a member or sector supporter, with content approved by the AUE.
How will the training be delivered? We will use the virtual platform Hopin to deliver the webinars and/or workshops, meaning you can stay on the platform and network with other AUE members and speakers following the session.
How long will each series be? The actual length of each session will be confirmed in due course, but we aim to keep these training series within 1-2 hours.
Privacy and GDPR: Please note: by signing up to this event, you are allowing us to share your contact details (full name, job title, email address and University name) with our speakers. If you would like us to remove you from the attendee list, please contact
What is the cost to attend? To ensure the series are accessible to our members, AUE is offering the full virtual programme for free.
What topics will be covered? A wide range of topics will be covered including 'The Challenges in heating Student Accommodation', 'Energy efficiency and net zero for university estates', 'Removal of standard PSTN/Analogue Lines and how it will affect your lift autodialler communications', 'No Smoke Without Fire', 'Avoiding the heat decarbonisation performance gap' and much more. |