The AUE comprises eight regions. Each AUE region holds its own meetings and minutes are recorded of those meetings. Please click on the region for the details and for minutes of the region's meetings:
List of Regions
East Midlands
Welcome to the East Midlands Region. The region is now getting going again after a period of inactivity and we hope to have three meetings a year, in addition to the annual conference. Do please come along and join us at our next meeting - we will be very pleased to see you and we hope you will find the meetings interesting and informative.
London & South East
In October 2023 Gaetano Cervino and Spensa Wheeler breathed new life into the London region. Resuming regional meetings and looking after the South East Region following the retirement of the South East Chair in 2024.
In November 2024 London and South East Regions voted to merge. We currently need a new Vice Regional Chair - if you are interested do get in touch!
North East
Vacancy for NE Vice Regional Chair - learn more and apply today!
North West
The North West Region of the AUE is well positioned to assist travel around the region, with city centre Universities in Manchester, Liverpool and Bangor. These include the University of Manchester, Salford and the Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of Liverpool and John Moores University, the Science and Technology facility in Daresbury, Warrington, the University of Bangor in North Wales and the region then stretches as far as Queens University in Belfast and the Universities in Ulster and Galway.
The Scotland Region of AUE enjoys an active membership from most of Scotland's HE institutions with three regional meetings held each academic year.
South West
The South West region of the AUE, which covers Universities from Reading and Southampton in the east of the region, down to the far tip of Cornwall.
Including Aberystwyth University, Cardiff University, Cardiff Metropolitan University, University of South Wales, Swansea University, University of Wales Trinity Saint David and Wrexham University
Vacancy for Vice Regional Chair - learn more!
West Midlands
The West Midlands region of the AUE hosts Universities and FE colleges from Oxfordshire in the South, to Staffordshire in the North (and West), and Warwickshire in the East, and includes many in central England.
Current vacancy for Vice Regional Chair. Learn more!