Association of University Engineers

AUE Conference 2007

Presentations 2007
Royal Holloway 2007: Educational Conference - Forum Sessions

Session 1
Presenter: Stride Treglown and DSSR
Title: The Windsor Building
Abstract: A presentation on the design challenges faced by the project team on the Windsor Building at Royal Holloway......

Session 2
Presenter: Exhibition Overview and Visit

Session 3
Presenter: Professor Rudi Klein
Title: ' Corporate Manslaughter'
Abstract: The implications on University Estate's Departments
To view presentation, click here

Session 4
Presenter: Dr Keith Pitcher of the EUAC
Title: 'Carbon Management'
Abstract: This presentation will summarise the development and operation of Leeds University’s carbon management plan
To view presentation, click here

Session 5
Presenter: Andrew Smith of the Higher Education Funding Council for England
Title: 'Latest HE Sector Initiatives'
Abstract: An update on a range of issues including Estates Management Statistics, Capital Funding, Space Management and Sustainable Development
To view presentation, click here

Session 6
Presenter: Chris Holder of Thorlux Lighting
Title: 'Emergency Lighting Overview of Regulations'
Abstract: The Statutory requirements for emergency lighting design, the latest developments in equipment and the automatic testing of systems, coupled with a supporting Case Study
To view presentation, click here

Session 7
Presenter: John Ellis of Ellis Training Works
Title: 'Refrigeration - An update on current Regulations'
Abstract: John gives a full overview of the Ozone Depleting Substances Regulations and the latest developments on the ‘F’ Gas Regulation and Leak Testing Requirements.
To view presentation, click here

Session 8
Presenter: Henry Gun-Why and Robin Stone
Title: 'The Built Environment required for High Performance Computing and the next generation '
Abstract: Background on High Performance Computing and development of the Infrastructure provision for HPCx facility on the Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus and a look forward to the next generation of petaflop systems
To view presentations, click here and here

Session 9
Presenter: Alan Gill of AWG Fire, Health and Safety
Title: 'Regulatory Reform Fire Order '
Abstract: An overview of the regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order and the practical advice on compliance with the newly introduced Order
To view presentation, click here

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