Technical Documents
AUE 2022 Virtual CPD & KNOWLEDGE Presentation - Cundall - Lift Technology - Firefighters & Evacuation Lifts
5710kb - 7 November 2022AUE 2022 Virtual CPD & KNOWLEDGE Presentation - Cundall - Lift Technology - Firefighters & Evacuation Lifts
Guidelines for Electrical Services Design - Lifts - Aston University - 2019
889kb - 7 June 2019Guidelines for Electrical Services Design - Lifts - Aston University - 2019
LEIA - Safety Information Sheet - Guidance on the Release of Trapped Passengers by Non Lift Personnel
120kb - 14 December 2017LEIA - Safety Information Sheet - Guidance on the Release of Trapped Passengers by Non Lift Personnel
Lifts - Procedure for the Release of Trapped Passengers - Strathclyde
66kb - 14 December 2017Lifts - Procedure for the Release of Trapped Passengers - Strathclyde
Lift Rescue Plan
147kb - 23 August 2016Lift Rescue Plan from University of Brighton.
Lift Accident - University of Aberdeen
78kb - 6 October 2014Recent lift accident at the University of Aberdeen and the subsequent events/conclusions resulting from it.
Lift Connectivity
1003kb - 30 June 2014Lift connectivity.
Lift Evacuation Document
117kb - 30 June 2014Lift evacuation document.
Lift Evacuation Document
117kb - 30 June 2014Lift evacuation document.
Lift Repairs Schedule
152kb - 30 June 2014Lift repairs schedule.