Technical Documents
CPD 2022 Air Filtration Clean IAQ 080122 - Camfil Group Presentation
3400kb - 25 January 2022CPD 2022 Air Filtration Clean IAQ 080122 - Camfil Group Presentation
COVID-19 Risk Assessment for Maintenance Staff Returning to Work - University of Kent
25kb - 8 September 2020COVID-19 Risk Assessment for Maintenance Staff Returning to Work - University of Kent
COVID window ventilation sticker - Durham University
46kb - 20 August 2020COVID window ventilation sticker - Durham University
COVID window ventilation sticker - University of Gloucestershire
576kb - 20 August 2020COVID window ventilation sticker - University of Gloucestershire
Accessing Mothballed Buildings for Surveys or Works - UWE Bristol
60kb - 7 April 2020Accessing Mothballed Buildings for Surveys or Works - UWE Bristol
Permit to Access Mothballed, Closed or Isolated Buildings - UWE Bristol
34kb - 7 April 2020Permit to Access Mothballed, Closed or Isolated Buildings - UWE Bristol
Re-opening Mothballed Buildings - UWE Bristol
60kb - 7 April 2020Re-opening Mothballed Buildings - UWE Bristol
Risk Assessment - COVID-19 - University of Reading
94kb - 3 April 2020Risk Assessment - COVID-19 - University of Reading