Virtual CPD Knowledge Series Programme 2022
Key Facts
When do the series start? We will be running a series of training sessions the first of which will be held in January 2022.
Who will deliver the training? Each training session will be delivered by a member or sector supporter, with content approved by the AUE.
How will the training be delivered? We will use the virtual platform Hopin to deliver the webinars and/or workshops, meaning you can stay on the platform and network with other AUE members and speakers following the session.
How long will each series be? The actual length of each session will be confirmed in due course, but we aim to keep these training series within 1-2 hours.
Privacy and GDPR: Please note: by signing up to this event, you are allowing us to share your contact details (full name, job title, email address and University name) with our speakers. If you would like us to remove you from the attendee list, please contact
What is the cost to attend? To ensure the series are accessible to our members, AUE is offering the full virtual programme for free.
What topics will be covered? The full 2022 programme is being worked on and will be launched in due course.
2nd November 2022
Lift Technology with specific focus on Firefighters and Evacuation Lifts.
Graham Barker CEng FIMechE, Director of Vertical Transportation, Cundall
Session synopsis:
Lift Technology with specific focus on Firefighters and Evacuation Lifts and the coming changes for building owners and operators, including
- Different types of lift technology
- Key consideration for lifts in the Educational Environment
- Latest update on lifts for use by fire-fighters
- Latest update on Evacuation lifts
- The January 2023 lift testing requirements under the New Fire Safety Regulations
- Guidance for those responsible for those responsible for lifts
5th October 2022
How you can eliminate energy/carbon waste in the HE Sector.
John Treble, Founder & Client Services Director, The Green Consultancy
Owen Jones, Principal Consultant – Energy and Compliance, The Green Consultancy
Andrew King, Innovations Solutions Manager, Demma Group Ltd – a partner of The Green Consultancy
Session synopsis:
Based on three decades of energy management experience in two thirds of the University estate, the session will address the scale of energy/carbon waste in the HE Sector and how to eliminate it – with specific savings examples, case histories, best practice and systematic advice. To avoid death by PowerPoint, and to encourage questions, the slides will be distributed to attendees in advance of the session.
21st September 2022
Fully electric thermal output for chilled, heating and domestic hot water. Access to the event platform will be available from 11:30, giving you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the platform and network with AUE colleagues ahead of the session, 12:00-13:00. After the session you'll be able to visit the expo and network further using the networking carousel.
Andrew Latus, Regional Sales Manager, Klima-Therm Limited
Session synopsis:
- Combined chilled water & hot water production through heat recovery
- How choice of refrigerant affects the outcome
- Providing domestic hot water from all electric production
- 55oC water output with immersion heater booster
- >=60oC water output using vapour compression
- >=60oC trans-critical cycle
- Additional High Temperature Heat Pumps for all-electric DHW
- All air solution for space heating/cooling
6th July 2022
Low Carbon Heat Ready Estates: using hvac digital twins to avoid the risk and cost of low carbon heating performance gaps.
Chris Davis, Head of UK Sales, Hysopt
Brian Vanheel, Sales Support Engineer, Hysopt
Session synopsis:
Operating, maintaining and upgrading heating and cooling installations across university campuses accounts for a significant proportion of annual estates operating and capital budgets. While for every Higher Education establishment, reducing carbon emissions from the way estates are heated and cooled is now an important priority.
In this session, Hysopt will explain the reasons why heating and cooling installations across most universities (both legacy and new build!) under-perform against expectations; how digital simulation and calculation tools can help university engineers avoid the uncertainty and risk of this under-performance; and provide them with the tools to:
- deliver “quick win” energy cost and carbon saving solutions;
- ensure systems are future-proofed so that low carbon options can be applied as cost-effectively as possible;
- build supporting investment cases;
- stretch capital budgets further;
The session will also explain the differences between “hydraulic system digital twins”, BIM modelling and BMS optimisation.
Hysopt will also provide a short demonstration and case study from a recent UK university project where this approach has been used successfully to optimise performance and plot a roadmap towards net zero carbon.
8th June 2022
Harper Adams University Journey to Carbon Zero and PV Installation Case Study,
Henry Gun-Why, Director of Gun-Why Consulting Ltd, Technical Advisor to Harper Adams University and Interim AUE Learning and Development Lead
Stuart Blissitt, University Engineer, Harper Adams University
Phil Mole, Managing Director, Alt-Group
Will George, Director, Alt-Group
Session synopsis:
The new European Commission plans to raise the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target from 40% towards 55% by 2030 and make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Achieving this will require accelerated energy efficiency measures, deeper electrification of sectors currently consuming conventional fuels and the deployment of more renewables, faster. This presentation will cover: -
- The role of photovoltaics (PV), based on scenarios from the Commission's 2018 long-term strategy (LTS) for energy and climate.
- Harper Adams Road Map to Carbon Zero
- PV Solar Ready Check List
- PV basics, schematics, and installation
- PV Equipment, type testing, certification, efficiency, and application range
- How PV’s can contribute to the decarbonisation and GHG reduction
- Carbon emission reduction , financial feasibility/ payback and procurement .
- PV installation Case Study at Harper Adams University including the role DNO (Letter of Authority, Approval to Connect, Time Scales and Testing Requirements)
- PV installation Case Study Lessons Learnt
4th May 2022
Heat pumps: A year in review and plans for the future.
Laura Bishop, Director of Infinitas Design and Chair of the Ground Source Heat Pump Association
Session synopsis:
According to latest government figures, heating our homes and businesses represents 30% of carbon emissions in the UK. During 2021, much has been made of the role heat pumps have to play in decarbonising this sector. This presentation will cover:
- Heat pump basics
- Heat pump application range – where and when can they be used
- How heat pumps can contribute to the decarbonisation of heating and cooling in the UK
- 4th and 5th gen heat networks
6th April 2022
Novation for Design and Build Contracts.
Geraldine Fleming, Operations Director, Driver Trett
Session synopsis:
This session on novation will cover:
- What is novation?
- Why is novation used?
- How does novation happen?
- Chronology
- Dating - The initial relationship (E-Consult) and first marriage
- Finding a Contractor
- Appointing a Contractor
- The divorce and second marriage (E is divorced / MC is new spouse) and the novation paperwork
- Relationships post-divorce
- Issues
- Standard Forms and Wider Reading
- Summary
9th March 2022
Light & Lighting. Lighting of Workplaces part 1. Indoor Workplaces
Sophie Parry MIET FSLL, Technical Applications Consultant, ZG Lighting Ltd UK & Ireland
Session Synopsis:
Light & lighting of the work place is in an interesting place. It is now recognised that indoor electric lighting needs to aspire to deliver all the subtle qualities of daylight. The visual acuity of the space user is also a variable that needs consideration. Luminaire technology is available today to address these deliverables but typically by using more energy. The opposite side of this argument is the requirement for buildings to work towards and achieve net Zero Carbon by 2050. Energy legislation trumps lighting quality standards and both subjects are equally important, so some lateral thinking is needed to balance the design outcome. This presentation explores the latest version of BS EN 12464-1, the key changes and some suggestions to support NZC outcomes.
23rd February 2022
Fundamentals and Common Issues in BACnet based Building Automation System
Ping Yao, CEO of Optigo Networks and Chris Goodman, Senior BMS Technician of Coventry University
Session synopsis:
BACnet Building Automation Systems (BAS) are growing in importance and complexity. Unfortunately, BAS are often incorrectly configured or underperforming. Such problems can lead to loss in energy savings, incorrect reporting and premature failures. This webinar will start with an overview of three (3) fundamental topics: BACnet routes, BBMD's and Denial-of-Service. After these fundamental topics, the presenters will discuss common issues in BACnet BAS systems, and how these can be identified and fixed using Optigo's Visual BACnet software product. There will be opportunities for audience questions and comments. Throughout the presentation, AUE member Chris Goodman, will assist with real-world examples as see at Coventry University.
Optigo Networks pdf Presentation 23.2.2022 - attached at base of this page
Link to BACnet training course:
9th February 2022
Decarbonising Heat in the UK.
Professor Phil Jones CEng FCIBSE MEI MASHRAE MSc, Visiting Professor London South Bank University
Session Synopsis:
What’s the carbon problem with heat?
How do we heat UK buildings?
Low carbon technologies for heating
- Combined Heat & Power (CHP)?
- Heat pumps
- District heating
4th & 5th generation heat networks GreenSCIES Smart Local Energy System.
27th January 2022
Smart Lighting
Colin Lawson, Head of Market Intelligence, Tamlite
Session Synopsis:
There are a number of problems facing lighting engineers/facility managers within educational premises, that can be solved by the latest connected technology. Energy efficiency, compliant emergency lighting and ensuring that projects are carried out to the required quality and without disruption to productivity, to name a few. While wired connected systems are going some way to improve this, the advantages of a wireless network are plain to see. This talk, from Colin Lawson of Tamlite Lighting, goes through the real benefits of wireless connected lighting systems. Facility managers can expect to monitor their energy consumption to minute detail, manage their emergency lighting with greater control, achieving all of this with no additional wiring or cabling to endure.
Please click here to access the recording.
Tamlite Lighting is a UK manufacturer established in 1967, offering one of the broadest and most technically advanced education solution portfolios of any lighting manufacturer.
As an education specialist, helping to create ‘future-proofed’ facilities, Tamlite understands that universities, colleges and schools need to be inclusive and safe - providing students with the best atmosphere to learn.