The Association of University Engineers (known as the AUE) was formed in 1970 by a small group of University Engineers who wanted to create a 'networked union of like minded people'. The Association has representation from around 100 universities throughout the UK and Eire.
The Association's aims are as follows:-
To promote, foster and develop the knowledge and skills of University Engineers.
- To assist, in conjunction with the Association of University Directors of Estates (AUDE), the advancement of Estates and Buildings professionalism within Universities.
To enhance the Maintenance, Protection and Promotion of quality educational Estates and Buildings to improve the educational environment for both students and staff of Institutions.
To provide a means by which the view, contributions and professional knowledge and skills of University Engineers can be communicated to AUDE and appropriate University and Professional Institutions.
To provide the means of an interchange of information between University Engineers on technical and managerial aspects of the maintenance and development of University Estates and Buildings.
- Through the above activities, to provide an avenue through which Engineers and other Estates staff can receive accredited Continuing Professional Development (CPD) which is a requirement of their respective professional bodies.
To view a copy of the AUE's Articles of Association, please click here.
Our Members
AUE members shall be "suitably qualified engineers responsible for installation, operation, maintenance or design of engineering services in a University (or a Higher Education Funding Council establishment, or in certain situations, where there has been a merger between a University and a College, full membership shall be open to suitably qualified engineers, provided that the University has the majority control of the merged institution) and should have a minimum professional qualification of Eng.Tech, approved by the Engineering Council". The current membership consists of over 700 individuals, drawn from over 100 institutions.
The membership of the AUE is divided and overseen on a regional basis as follows:-
1. Scotland
2. North West (including Northern Ireland, Eire and North Wales)
3. North East
4. Wales
5. West Midlands
6. East Midlands
7. London & South East
8. South West
These geographical regions mirror those of AUDE and meetings are regularly held within each of the above areas.
Retired Members Group
If you are currently a Full or Associate member and about to retire from university life the Retired Group offers the possibility of socialising and networking with former friends and colleagues.
Every year around Easter we arrange a social gathering over a long weekend when we reconnect and discuss our involvement at the forthcoming conference. We aim to meet up at a different location each year.
There is no fee to join the Retired group - it is very friendly and informal and welcomes all members who are retiring, contact can be made with Les Richards, Retired Members Representative at or via Sally, AUE Administrator at